Saturday, May 31, 2008

Drawing in darkness.. ( Contd...)

I am going to continue the topic by sharing one of my friends perspective about the subject... it was very close to what i was thinking ..

here it goes..

'Drawing in darkness' - is how we live our lives !!! '

"" This whole idea of drawing in the darkness is fascinating, for me this ideology goes much beyond the fact that not being able to prove smthn, yet u are sure of it – a paradox of type. But, this analogy of drawing in the darkness I feel has much farther reaching consequences, actually our whole life in a way can be summarized with this one line !! that how I see it !!

'Drawing in darkness' - is how we live our lives !!!

think abt it… to start with we have an idea of what we want to do or what we want to become in life – The Objective. At least by the time an individual matures a vague/general idea of what he/she wants to do would have formed. (I would say that not wanting to do anything or even not wanting to know what to do is also a vague idea). This idea is strongly influenced by our surroundings and our experiences (exposure –here I am tempted to use this word; somehow it makes more sense, even though it's not entirely correct!!), these form the repository from where we draw our wants/ ambition… The Objective. This is the: 'Knowing what u want to draw – say mountain, river…', which we again derive from our experience (exposure).
So with this idea, which we think is very clear to us, but the fact of the matter is it anything but that, we embark of the journey of life – doing 'things', making decisions, taking up opportunities in a way which we think is aligned in the direction of achieving our goal. Like for instance – deciding to study engineering or any branch in particular…, a lot of people would argue this point saying that they didn't have any particular reason to decide to study engineering they just did because –everyone was doing and it was in thing, or my parents told me to…..numerous such alibis. But my point here is again they all had idea of they wanted to do, the only thing was it wasn't very specific…for example a guy who just did it because his parents said so – his objective would have been just listen to his parents and get their approval (I am not downplaying this by any means, I personally feel this is the best thing to do when u are not sure - just listen to people with more experience and parents are the perfect candidates, they have a whole wealth of experience and more importantly ur well being is their prime concern – so who better than them to listen to…alright now getting back to the main issue). So we all have an objective – know what we want to draw, and go abt all our lives drawing it!! Which is very much like drawing in darkness…

We follow certain laid down rules which are time tested and work to achieve our The Objective, this is similar to , for example u want to sketch a mountain and go about drawing this in the dark, you know that if u draw inclined vertical line, we get a mountain (atleast a rough figure of what we call a mountain). So similarly if our objective would be to have enough resources to do whatever u would please, we know that studying hard and graduating at the top get you a good job, from where u can start accumulating you resources – stepping towards the objective. But, u know this path the one for you , only because others have followed this path and it has worked for them – its no hard and fast rule. Our life is made up of some many variables; it is just beyond our comprehension. You have no idea where you will end up, but never the less by following certain established/know rules one can a rough figure of where/how he would end up. So, you just go about doing what u think would lead to ur objective never really know where you will end up. Isn't this drawing in darkness!!!

So I think this analogy of drawing in darkness is a very powerful and enlightening, which has a great depth of meaning. Every person should be aware at all times that life is task like 'Drawing in darkness' accept it and learn to live with it. """

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